Welcome to the Thornwilde social groups site. Here you will find information regarding social groups in the neighborhood. Currently we have 2 active social groups; Thornwilde Games Group and Thornwilde Run/Walk Group. If you have ideas for a social group that you would like to start please contact us!
Thornwilde Game Night Group
Thornwilde also has a very active games group open to everyone in Thornwilde, although women primarily comprise this group. They gather once a month at a host's home to socialize, share favorite appetizers and play games. Interested in meeting other women in the neighborhood and laughing your head off?! Head over to the Games Group Thornwilde Facebook page. Belinda Kay Ratliff Cobbs manages the schedule and coordination of game night.
Thornwilde Walk/Run Group
The Thornwilde Run/Walk Group promotes running, walking and general fitness in the Hebron, KY area. The goal is to support and encourage one another, and train together for various races. Membership is free and open to anyone interested in regular meetups scheduled throughout the week. Walkers, run-walkers, joggers with strollers, beginners, intermediate and advanced runners welcome. The point of contact for this group is Gina Meyers. More information can be found at the Thornwilde Run/Walk Group Facebook page.
Want to start a new club? Clubs consist of more than 10 homeowners who share a common interest. Complimentary use of the clubhouse can be provided so please reach out for more details. All homeowners must be allowed to participate if they so desire. HOA funds can be allocated to support activities upon approval from the board.